by Dorval Island | May 12, 2014 | Announcements
Welcome! This site is restricted to members of ARID/DIRA. To be a member of ARID/DIRA you must be a property owner and your name must appear on the roll for the Town of Dorval Island. Use the forum to post comments,suggestions,or questions. Join the DIRA Facebook...
by Dorval Island | Apr 29, 2014 | Announcements, Information, News
Check out our new DIRA forum – Dock Talk / Chroniques Du Quai A place to exchange ideas, make suggestions and get involved in Dorval Island community life. We look forward to hearing from you.
by Dorval Island | Jul 29, 2013 | Announcements
A huge thanks from DIRA to Wendy Fee and James Fee for the awning and to the crew of volunteers who gave up their Saturday morning yesterday to get it up!. Honorable mention goes out to Dillon Fee and to Ted Osborne for putting the frame together on the hottest day in...
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